Wall Street Bets Token Launch Report

Kaneko Yukinaga
2 min readJun 20, 2021

Hongkong — June 20th, 2021 (Medium)

Wall Street Bets Token

The Wall Street Bets Token (WSBT) launch is complete. We distributed 15.25mio Token and received Total proceeds of U$ 4.1mio. We thank the global crypto community for believing in our platform, working through this new process with us, and for the continued support.

Welcome to Hedge Fund 2.0.

The Roadmap is still full of major milestones ahead of us and this is only the very beginning of a long successful story. We are working hard on the first Beta version of the voting platform and keep you posted about the developments.

Next big milestone is the listing at several centralised exchanges. We will announce the first Exchange shortly and keep the community posted as soon as the next Listings occur. Due to non-disclosure agreements with the Exchanges, we are unable to inform the venues beforehand, but stay tuned in our announcements channels for further updates.

947 people from 135 countries

In order to protect the project, the community, and the world around us, we chose to run a KYC process that we referred to as the whitelist. We had two checks in place, one to check country, and another to check against international watch lists (AML, PEP, etc). These are common practices in a regulated world and as our project involves a creation of a regulated entity (Asset Management Company) managing a Hedge Fund, we decided to go this way. Unfortunately, we were unable to include hundreds of people with incomplete data (no Docs uploaded), people from certain restricted countries and also hundreds that showed interest but at the end didn’t send the subscription amount. The latter will though certainly be able to participate once we get listed and we are looking forward to a big community driving the future of Finance.

Founded by Ex-Investment Banker Kaneko Yukinaga, Wall Street Bets Token has created the innovative Platform Project that will link the Crypto World to Wall Street. WSBT will be the first Utility Token that is actively able to decide investments of a Hedge Fund investing in stocks, creating Hedge Fund 2.0. Find more information about the Token on wsb.cx

